Tag Archives: design

Prom Dress

Last year I decided to take the challenge of designing and making my high school prom dress. Without any training on neither sewing nor design I got my self into a big project. At the end all the hard work was worth it. I didn’t just enjoy my prom night feeling beautiful with my gown, but I learned so much about sewing, beading and pattern making during the process. This was my final sketch:

Complete view from the front…

…from the back.

Close ups…

A more detailed look at the beading…

This has been my biggest project as an aspiring fashion designer until now. Now that I’m actually learning at school about what I love, I hope to be making much more. The sad thing was I forgot to take a complete view picture of myself wearing the dress, but I’ll be having a photo shoot soon and hopefully will be uploading those later.



Filed under Fashion


I really liked this designer’s creations, but I liked them even more after I read a little about Jesse Fern Kamm. She was born in Illinois, then moved to California where she pursued a modeling career, which enabled her to travel around the world and fall in love with clothing, photography and others.

What I find really interesting about her is that she is committed to sustainability. You can read more about her in her webpage. This next pictures are some of my favorite looks from her SS 2012 collection “SAIL”.

I really like the simplicity and cleanness of her garments, the color palette and the effortless way they are put together. You can even get the same feel from the background in these pictures, how everything is just about a relaxed chicness. LOVE.

webpage: http://jessekamm.com

biography: http://jessekamm.com/bio.html

blog: http://jessekamm.blogspot.com/


Filed under Fashion