Tag Archives: spain

Flamenco dancing

As I mentioned in my last post, Flamenco is one of my favorite dance styles and I practice it myself. Throughout this semester I’ve been taking flamenco dance classes. This past weekend was the concluding dance showcase. Flamenco is a Spanish style of music and dance that was originated in Andalusia in the gypsy culture during the 18th century. I like everything about this style: the music, the costumes, the moves and its history. I really enjoyed being on stage specially for the opportunity to dance to live music, it was a great experience.

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Filed under Dance

Second Partial Exam

Its been a long time since I last posted because I haven’t had the time because there has been too much thing going on in my life and this next work took a loooooong time. So for this second partial evaluation I was supposed to draw 10 fashion figures that include all the different textiles I’ve been taught throughout the semester (Jeans, checkers, leopard, transparencies, taffeta, sequins, lace and ‘capitoneado’) and applying the different techniques: watercolor, prismacolor, chartpak, gel pens, liquid paper, and others. The idea was to make some kind of fashion ad campaign. My collection was inspired by flamenco which is Spain’s traditional dance, which I practice and is my favorite.

Hope you liked it :). May it all be for His glory.


Filed under Art, Fashion